Mecosta County is home to an abundant amount of state land available for hunting! Check out our links below for hunting seasons, guidelines, Public Hunting map and how to purchase your license online.
If you were born after 1960 you are required to obtain a hunter’s safety certificate in order to purchase a Michigan Hunting License.
From time to time the Mecosta County Rod and Gun Club offers Free Hunters Safety Certification Classes that are three days long that the public is welcome to attend. The Mecosta County Visitors Bureau is proud to partner with Hunting Works for Michigan. Hunting Works for Michigan exists in order to promote the strong economic partnership between the hunting and shooting communities and the local economy of the state of Michigan.

Two Hats Ranch will provide you with a 30,00 foot view and 1,200 acres of open fields for the hunting experience of a lifetime. Located only seven miles from Downtown Big Rapids, here you can enjoy turkey hunting in the Spring and whitetail deer hunting in the Fall.
Sanctuary Ranch located in Stanwood is legendary within the hunting industry. Founded in 1978, Santuary has become the spot for whitetail deer enthusiasts. The ranch is four square miles in size with hills, gullies, and swamps. The Sanctuary has intensely managed whitetail deer for almost thirty years.
If bird hunting is your specialty, try out Haymarsh located right in Morley. Haymarsh provides high quality birds in performance and appearance including Bobwhite Quail and Pheasant from August 15th-April 30th and Chukars year round. Ducks, geese, grouse, turkey and woodchuck can also be hunted during their state-mandated season. Haymarsh allows you to bring your hunting dogs or can supply you with an experienced guide with a well-trained hunting dog. Haymarsh Hunt Club is a membership club, but always encourage non-members to come and enjoy.
If you prefer to hunt big game, Super G Ranch is the place for you. Located just at the corner or 155th and 5 Mile Road, Super G strives to offer a wide array of guided hunts. On 445 acres of land, here you will find buffalo, pigs, water buffalo as well as exotic rams. Open year round for the public to book a hunt during any season they wish.
Unsure of hunting land near you open to the public? Use the Interactive Public Hunting Map as a guide! Also find Deer Checking Stations near you.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has resources available for hunting: