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Fort Faith Baptist Bible Camp

5005 210th Ave
United States
(231) 823-2118
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We have a passion for camp ministry and a desire to change lives through Jesus Christ. It is our hope that every camper would see the love of Jesus in everything that is said and done here at Fort Faith.
Fort Faith Camp is a little different in the way we run camps. There are two options.
First, If your church or group would like to rent a week, you will plan your own games and chapel services. (We will provide activities such as our high ropes course, paintball, tubing, archery, R.C. cars, bonfire, etc. upon your request.) You will also bring your own counselors, preacher, nurse, cooks (we can provide the cooks and lifeguard upon request for your convenience). This gives churches an opportunity to run the camp in the way they desire, creating their own schedule.
Option two is, you are able to attend one of our open camp weeks. We have a Sr. High Camp, a Jr. Camp, Family Camp and more scheduled into our year. With these camps, we provide the counselors, cooks, nurse, etc. All you have to do is drop off your campers, and they will have a Spiritually fulfilling week with lots of fun and good preaching!
Fort Faith Camp is a little different in the way we run camps. There are two options.
First, If your church or group would like to rent a week, you will plan your own games and chapel services. (We will provide activities such as our high ropes course, paintball, tubing, archery, R.C. cars, bonfire, etc. upon your request.) You will also bring your own counselors, preacher, nurse, cooks (we can provide the cooks and lifeguard upon request for your convenience). This gives churches an opportunity to run the camp in the way they desire, creating their own schedule.
Option two is, you are able to attend one of our open camp weeks. We have a Sr. High Camp, a Jr. Camp, Family Camp and more scheduled into our year. With these camps, we provide the counselors, cooks, nurse, etc. All you have to do is drop off your campers, and they will have a Spiritually fulfilling week with lots of fun and good preaching!
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