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Merrill-Gorrel Park

3275 Evergreen Rd
United States
(989) 382-7158
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Merrill-Gorrel Park offers frontage on both Merrill and Gorrel Lakes. Each lake offering a boat launch, swimming beach, playground equipment and picnic area. Merrill-Gorrel Park’s 90 acres contain a variety of amenities and accommodation options, which enhance this picturesque getaway. Pets are welcome.
Amenities & Services
Pet Friendly |
Boat Launches |
Sand Beach |
Swimming Area |
Fishing Area |
Playgrounds |
Picnic Areas |
Sand Volleyball |
Basketball Court |
Baseball Diamond |
Horseshoes |
Cabins |
Restroom |
Camping |
Hiking Trails |
Tetherball |
Shuffle Board |
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