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Sawmill Saloon

1003 Maple St
Big Rapids,
United States
(231) 796-9812
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The Sawmill Saloon, owned and operated by the Proctor family since 1969, is located next to the White Pine Trail State Park in Big Rapids, Michigan.
This quaint tavern and restaurant has been operated by the Proctor family for over fifty years. The tavern is located on the site of an old sawmill and is open 365 days a year... yes, we are open on Christmas at noon! We have year round patio cookouts, open mic every Wednesday night, great food, and only the best bands.
This quaint tavern and restaurant has been operated by the Proctor family for over fifty years. The tavern is located on the site of an old sawmill and is open 365 days a year... yes, we are open on Christmas at noon! We have year round patio cookouts, open mic every Wednesday night, great food, and only the best bands.
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