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School Section Lake Veteran's Park

9003 90th Ave
United States
Regions: Mecosta
(231) 972-7450
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School Section Lake Veteran's Park is a pleasant combination of history, nature, camping, and family fun! The trademark feature of the 86-acre park is our large sand swimming area, beach and historic fieldstone concessions building. The park is home to an original one room schoolhouse which continues to offer educational summer programs. School Section Lake is also home to our Family Group Camp, which is in a secluded section of the park and offers a unique outdoor experience for larger groups. School Section Lake Park is the most family oriented park in our system. The park hosts many seasonal programs, special events, arts and crafts, and sporting opportunities.
Amenities & Services
Sand Beach |
Swimming Area |
Picnic Areas |
Fish Cleaning Station |
Camper Dump Stations |
Baseball Diamond |
Basketball Court |
Horseshoes |
Cabins |
Hiking Trails |
Boat Launches |
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